How to Install SleepOrora Device?

Easy steps to use the SleepOrora

Device Setting

1. Connect the power to the Sleeporora and verify that the blue LED is flashing.

2. Open the Wi-Fi window

3. Select Sleeporora and enter a password to connect. (PW: 12345678)

★ Important ★ In the case of Android, select “Always connect” when a pop-up window like the following appears

Device Image

4. Open Google App (or Safari App) and type "" in the search bar.

★ Caution ★ do not use the Chrome app

Device Install

5. Select the Wi-Fi ID you are using -> Enter password -> click "connect " When the LED light "slowly changes into various colors“, Connection Successful!

★ Caution ★ If you enter the wrong Wi-Fi password, the green light keeps on. Go to pg 8 then pg 1.

App Setting

6. Search and install the “Sleeporora” on Google Play or the APP Store.

7. If you enter the “serial number” attached to the bottom of the Device in the app

settings menu and create a name(you want) in the “device name" column. The device will be displayed “Device added successfully!!“ Note : It takes about 10 minutes to retrieve the dat

Note : It takes about 10 minutes to retrieve the data
Device Install Device Install
Device Install